Magical effects of eating Makhana

Magical effects of eating Makhana

Magical effects of eating Makhana

"Makhana" is derived from two Sanskrit words makh and grain. Makh means yajna. That is, the grain used in the sacrifice. Makhana remains associated with Mithilanchal residents even after their lifetime. Mansing is cultivated throughout Mithilanchal. The Makhana produced in Darbhanga is considered to be of excellent quality. The table brings lotus seeds. Makhana was called the food of God. It is also used in puja and havan. It is also called organic herbal. Because it is grown without using any chemical fertilizer or insecticide. In Bhava Prakash Nighantu, composed by Acharya Bhavamishra (1500тАУ1600), it has been called Padmabijabh and Jalya fruit. According to this, Makrana is the force, the vajikar and the receiver. Makhana is an aquatic product rich in nutrients. Makhana is also very beneficial for health. Mashing seeds are health for kidney and heart.

9.7 percent easily digestible protein in mashing, 76 percent carbohydrates, 12.8 percent moisture, 0.1 percent fat, 0.5 percent mineral salts, 0.9 percent
Phosphorus and 1.4 mg of iron content is present. It also has medicinal properties. . On my own
Calcium, acid and vitamin B are also found.

It prevents premature ejaculation, helps to increase the quality and quantity of semen which increases the functioning. Apart from this, it also helps in removing infertility in women.

Beneficial for diabetes patients
Diabetes is a metabolic disorder with high blood sugar levels. This impedes the function of the pancreas secreting insulinromans. But manging is sweet and sour seed. And due to its starch and protein in its seeds, it
Very good for diabetes.

Prevents aging: anti-aging properties
Musting has the ability to prevent the effect of increasing age. Makhanas are also very anti-aging with anti-oxidates which helps in preventing age. Because of which you remain young for a long time.
Wrinkles and hair whitening are also reduced from coral.

Make kidney strong
Mashing is beneficial for kidney and heart health. Due to very little sweetness in the flower mason, it helps to detoxify the spleen, strengthen the kidney and nourish the blood. Also, regular consumption of makhanas ends the weakness of the body and our body remains healthy.

Heart disease
Mashing has estrogen properties that make you free from heart diseases. Makhana is nothing short of a medicine for heart health.

Relieves pain
Makhana is rich in calcium, so its intake is very beneficial for joint pain, especially in patients with arthritis. Also, its use provides relief from pain in any part of the body such as back pain and knee pain.

Improve improve
Makhana being an anti-oxidant, is easily digested by people of all age groups. From children to old people also digest it easily. Its cleaning is easy so it can be called digestible. Apart from this, the flower house also has estrogen properties so it gives relief from the diet and helps to improve appetite. Eating makhanas with desi ghee can be relieved by eating diarrhea.

other benefits
Consumption of mastication reduces stress and improves sleep. Consuming mange with milk at bedtime, the problem of sleeplessness is overcome. Apart from this, regular consumption of makhanas ends the weakness of the body and our body remains healthy. Due to the protein present in the mastication, it helps to make muscles and keep fit.