Birds that do not feed need

Birds that do not feed need

Birds that do not feed need

Some birds like to live together and they can also go hungry for this. Scientists discovered this when Great Tit birds were kept in a similar environment, and no food was given.

Great Tit Jones preferred to spend time with each other instead of searching for food.

This study, published in the journal TOT Biology, shows that these birds have a sense of social relationships and collectivism.

These birds also know that they will need the support of their companion to raise and raise a family.

Expert at Oxford University and lead author of this paper, Josh Firth, said, "Choosing to live with your partner in search of food shows that these birds prefer to maintain a long-term relationship." .

Josh Firth also says, "So the behavior of wild creatures also depends on how much they desire other creatures."

They also become acquainted with each other's family flock to live with their partner.

This report also states that due to this additional support network, these animals and birds get food differently.