dnb family medicine syllabus

MD in Family Medicine

MD in Family Medicine

The Indian health care scenario is very complex and heterogeneous covering a range from world-class private tertiary care facilities to deplorably inadequate public services at all levels, including primary disease care. A system to provide affordable, accessible and effective health care and disease care to all the citizens of the nation is an urgent requirement of the country and should be based on a strong foundation of primary care and Family Medicine/ General Practice.

MD Family Medicine

MD Family Medicine

The Indian health care scenario is very complex and heterogeneous covering a range from world-class private tertiary care facilities to deplorably inadequate public services at all levels, including primary disease care. A system to provide affordable, accessible and effective health care and disease care to all the citizens of the nation is an urgent requirement of the country and should be based on a strong foundation of primary care and Family Medicine/ General Practice.