National Human Genome Research Institute

National Human Genome Research Institute

National Human Genome Research Institute

Established in 1989, NHGRI collaborates with the scientific and medical communities to catalyze genomic breakthroughs and supports the robust study and treatment of specific diseases with our colleagues at NIH. In this uniquely collaborative organization, everyone is focused on contributing to high-impact research and helping to apply new discoveries to the study of human health.

NHGRI Vision and Mission

At NHGRI, we believe that advances in genomics research are transforming our understanding of human health and disease. Building on our leadership role in the initial sequencing of the human genome, we collaborate with the scientific and medical communities to enhance genomic technologies that accelerate breakthroughs and improve lives. At NHGRI, we are empowering and expanding the field of genomics. We are charting one of humankind’s newest frontiers.

Our Vision

To improve the health of all humans through advances in genomics research.

Our Mission

As a leading authority in the field of genomics, our mission is to accelerate scientific and medical breakthroughs that improve human health. We do this by driving cutting-edge research, developing new technologies, and studying the impact of genomics on society.


Anand Sat, 24/Jul/2021 - 21:48 pm

Prominent scientists involved in the Human Genome Project reflect on the lessons learned. 

This video was shared as a part of the 2018 National DNA Day '15 for 15' celebration:

Video production by 42 Degrees North Media for the National Human Genome Research Institute.

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