Cardiothoracic Surgery

The last few decades have seen medical science, including cardiac science advance like never before in the history of mankind. On the other hand, modern life has brought about an increase in the life style diseases. At present, patients would be presenting with multi-system involvement and co-morbid conditions like chronic obstructive airway diseases, Diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and many more which may make this group of patients unfit to undertake major surgeries. Here the concept of minimally invasive procedures or hybrid procedures could be undertaken to decrease the mortality, this involves a combination of medical /surgical skills and technology.

The staff in the Department of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery have a patient centric approach to clinical practice and aim to bring advance form of medical health care to our patients, through high quality facilities ensuring the best outcome to patient care. We value all our staff and team work is what determines our future. There is an open communication between the patients and relatives and this results in effective and timely action which benefits our patient.

The Department of  Cardiovascular  and  Thoracic  Surgery (CVTS)  has an independent bed strength of   40 beds which are dedicated to preoperative  ward,  a well  equipped  postoperative intensive care unit and intermediate care facility. It runs  an  active  cardiovascular  and  thoracic vascular  surgical  program  which  entertains both routine and emergency procedures. Cardiac work comprises of both congenital and acquired diseases including  valvular, coronary and congenital except the transplantations. Approximately 500 Open heart Surgeries (OHS) are  performed  each  year, in addition to these a good number of closed cardiac procedures, thoracic and  vascular  cases (including  aortic  aneurysm)  are  being  done.  There is a good cardiological back-up with facilities available for round the clock invasive hemodynamic monitoring, echocardiography and also for coronary angiography, primary PTCA (per cutaneous coronary angioplasty), temporary pacing for complete heart block, Percutaneous mitral commissurotomy (PTMC).  Cardiology department is well equipped with  the latest version of  echocardiography machine   having   biplane  transoesophageal  probe,  along  with facilities for color  flow  mapping,  several  computerized  ECG machines, computerized tread mill machine and two siemens cath lab.

The Department of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine are the ancillary departments which aid in clinical diagnosis of the patient. The Department of Radiology is well equipped with the state-of-art equipments such as 128 multislice CT scanner, Spiral CT scanner, MRI (1.5 Tesla). Besides the diagnostic work the department is carrying out routinely interventional work under CT and ultra sound guidance like biopsies, drainages, PCN, embolisation of tumour vessels as well as balloon dilatation The Radiology department is equipped with a number of fixed High Frequency Radiography machines incorporated with Computed Radiography (CR) system and Digital Radiography (DR) unit. 

Department   is the Nuclear  medicine  which deals with functional and  molecular imaging  with radio nuclide therapies using radio isotopes. There is a PET-CT Unit and High Dose Radionuclide Therapy facility.

To carry out the basic molecular research the Institute is backed up with the Department of  Biotechnology.